Jummah Mubarak!
Every Friday, for as long as I can remember, I get a call from my best friend saying, "Jummah Mubarak!" and it's a tradition that I'm proud of and look forward to every week, mashallah... (",)
Friday is a huge blessing from Allah and a sign of His Mercy. Subhanallah, even non-Muslims wait anxiously for the blessed day of Friday!
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
"Friday is the best of all days and the most virtuous in the sight of Allah Most High. In the sight of Allah Most High it has more greatness than Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Ad'haa." (Ibn Majah)
" The people of Jannah can not wait for the arrival of al-Jumuah, to fill their eyes more and more with the presence of the Almighty. For this reason al-Jumuah has been named the day of more (increase) ." {At-Tabarani}If you think about it, the above quote is quite breathtaking as it implies the people of Jannah will anxiously be waiting for the arrival of Friday because it is the day when they will be able to see Allah.. Subhanallah!!!
We're so fortunate to be given such a blessed day... EVERY WEEK! It's crucial that we take the time to appreciate this beautiful day regardless of our busy lifestyles. If we haven't done anything to earn Allah's pleasure during the week, then Friday is our last chance. So try and visit the sick or an elderly person, get ready for Jummah prayers, offer to help someone out in need, give your Mum a hug, tell that special someone just how special they are to you, thank Allah for blessing you abundantly and ask for an honourable death on the blessed day of Friday.
Try and make the most of this and every Friday, it'd be a terrible shame to let such an awesome day pass without giving it much thought.
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