It's you!
It's nothing to do with being a lawyer, or a doctor, or a teacher, or of any profession, its more about developing and improving your chararcter in the hope of becoming a better Muslim... a 'Professional' Muslim! (",)
It seems that in our professional lives, we're always seeking ways to move up the ladder, whether it be going on training courses or taking further exams or even just doing that extra bit of reading so we're up-to-date with the latest in our fields of work. However, it is just as important that we strive to work our way up the Islamic ladder too, by working on our social conduct, being charitable, helping out in the community, educating ourselves, and educating others by sharing our knowledge.
To seek knowledge is a sacred duty; its obligatory on every Muslim. And its not only the knowledge of Deen, but ANY beneficial knowledge is Islamic knowledge; an ocean that has no coast.
The Qur'an is filled with verses inviting man to use his intellect, to ponder, to think and to know. The Hadith literature is also full of references to the importance of knowledge,
"Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave"
"Seek knowledge, even as far as China".
These ideas have echoed throughout the history of Islam and encouraged Muslims to seek knowledge wherever it might be found. During most of its history, Islamic civilization has been witness to a true celebration of knowledge. That is why every traditional Islamic city possessed public and private libraries, and some cities like Cordoba and Baghdad boasted of libraries with over 400,000 books!!
I mean, it's great that as young British Muslims, we're succeeding both academically and professionally, however, it's so important that we are just as clued up on imaan, islam, good character and good conduct so that we can achieve success in not only this life, but also in the Hereafter.
And vice versa too. Like, there's no point in being all clued up on Islam, when you don't make an effort to seek non-religious knowledge or don't strive to excel in your job.
As Professional Muslims, it's all about striking a good balance between Deen and Dunya, showing others what a great blessing it is to be a part of this beautiful religion called Islam!
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