Thursday, 8 October 2009

Be Positive!

When speaking to a friend today, I heard the words, "I can't be arsed" or "I can't be bothered with anything anymore" or something along those lines and it inspired me to right a few words on the importance of being positive.

It's so easy to adopt a negative attitude when things aren't quite going the way you want them to, but having an optimistic outlook on life can be so beneficial to both the mind and soul (and even to those around us!).

As Professional Muslims, we should have the wisdom to realise it doesn't take much to switch that little bit of negative energy we have inside and use it to inject others with positivity. And the funny thing is, a positive attitude is not a difficult thing to have at all. It just takes a little effort to extend to others a warm smile, or a kind word and it's amazing how beneficial it can be for your own spiritual and physical health too!

If you're not aware of the effect your attitude has on people and on your influence as a Muslim, beware! You may be doing a good job of putting food on the table, giving Zakat, working hard, going to the mosque, praying every day, fasting, etc. BUT the power of your attitude behind all that you do will essentially determine the true effect of your actions. Having a good attitude shows your concern for those around you before yourself, it shows your reverence for Allah and the strength of your character to hold a smile even when it may not be your day.

Attitude directly affects your friendships, your family, your work, your ability to serve Allah... it affects EVERYTHING!! So when you're contemplating life and wondering what you may be doing that is hurting your relationships, or asking yourself why life is being cruel to you, take a look at how you hold yourself around others and the attitude you hold towards life.

In conclusion, even when we may not be feeling happy or at ease, we can still show a smile on our face or share a few friendly words and kind gestures. Often, it is simply our attitudes that can influence someone or inspire someone to seek Islam. We need to be aware of that. We can be doing all the rights things in our minds, thinking that we are being good examples of Islam to others, but if we are not carrying a positive attitude at all times, we may not be doing as good of a job at being 'Professional Muslims'.

I know it's easier said than done, and I'm not always so positive myself but I wrote this because I also need to remind myself that attitude is everything, and I think ESPECIALLY for Muslims. We can build a mosque, we can do great things for Islam, but one of the greatest things can simply come from the attitude we have. So, let's all start being positive people!! (",)
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